DANIEL SMITH 284600010 Extra Fine Watercolor 15ml Paint Tube, Burnt Sienna
DANIEL SMITH is the Innovative Manufacturer of Beautiful Watercolors for Artists Worldwide, and makes the largest range of watercolors of any manufacturer, more than 240 colors. The 240+ color collection includes the exciting PrimaTek watercolors made from minerals (like Amethyst) plus other unique colors (like Moonglow) not available elsewhere, and Luminescent Watercolors which allow artists to capture the luminescent colors that exist in nature that regular watercolors cannot capture!
This transparent to semi-transparent, rich earth pigment is a traditional palette staple for many landscape painters. Our Burnt Sienna combines with other hues without a loss of intensity or transparency. Subsequent layers (or glazes) do not sully or stain the other pigments these glazes contact.
Excellent Lightfastness, Semi-transparent, Granulating, Non-staining
DANIEL SMITH 284600011 Extra Fine Watercolor 15ml Paint Tube, Burnt Umber
DANIEL SMITH is the Innovative Manufacturer of Beautiful Watercolors for Artists Worldwide, and makes the largest range of watercolors of any manufacturer, more than 240 colors. The 240+ color collection includes the exciting PrimaTek watercolors made from minerals (like Amethyst) plus other unique colors (like Moonglow) not available elsewhere, and Luminescent Watercolors which allow artists to capture the luminescent colors that exist in nature that regular watercolors cannot capture!
This rich dark brown earth pigment is popular with artists due to its semi- or semi-opaque qualities. It is lightfast, low-staining, and can readily be lifted to vary its value in otherwise dark passages. Warm Burnt Umber with a little Alizarin Crimson or cool it with blue as your subject dictates.
Excellent Lightfastness, Semi-transparent, Granulating, Low staining
DANIEL SMITH 284600065 Extra Fine Watercolor 15ml Paint Tube, Payne’s Gray
DANIEL SMITH is the Innovative Manufacturer of Beautiful Watercolors for Artists Worldwide, and makes the largest range of watercolors of any manufacturer, more than 240 colors. The 240+ color collection includes the exciting PrimaTek watercolors made from minerals (like Amethyst) plus other unique colors (like Moonglow) not available elsewhere, and Luminescent Watercolors which allow artists to capture the luminescent colors that exist in nature that
This beautiful watercolor is a cool blue gray. Highly lightfast and mildly staining, Payne's Gray is perfect for painting wet skies. Use this pigment instead of Indigo, except where yellow is involved. Payne's Gray helps create flat ocean waters and "after the storm" clouds and skies. Rocks and granite boulders, including their shadows, can be quickly rendered with light dilute washes or more concentrated brushloads.
Excellent Lightfastness, Semi-transparent, Granulating, Low staining
DANIEL SMITH 284600101 Extra Fine Watercolor 15ml Paint Tube, Rose of Ultramarine
DANIEL SMITH is the Innovative Manufacturer of Beautiful Watercolors for Artists Worldwide, and makes the largest range of watercolors of any manufacturer, more than 240 colors. The 240+ color collection includes the exciting PrimaTek watercolors made from minerals (like Amethyst) plus other unique colors (like Moonglow) not available elsewhere, and Luminescent Watercolors which allow artists to capture the luminescent colors that exist in nature that regular watercolors cannot capture!
This exciting blend mixes Quinacridone Rose and Ultramarine Blue. The blue settles as the rose floats, creating a vibrant, dimensional purple. For those artist artists who "always mix their own purples", this unique, otherwise unattainable separation is worth exploring. Juxtapose Rose of Ultramarine with pure Phthalo Blue for fun and effect.
Excellent Lightfastness, Transparent, Granulating, Medium staining
DANIEL SMITH 284600198 Extra Fine Watercolor 15ml Paint Tube, Opera-Pink
DANIEL SMITH is the Innovative Manufacturer of Beautiful Watercolors for Artists Worldwide, and makes the largest range of watercolors of any manufacturer, more than 240 colors. The 240+ color collection includes the exciting PrimaTek watercolors made from minerals (like Amethyst) plus other unique colors (like Moonglow) not available elsewhere, and Luminescent Watercolors which allow artists to capture the luminescent colors that exist in nature that
The most vivid of all pinks, has long been requested by DANIEL SMITH customers. A primary magenta with a hint of fluorescent pink granulation producing some of the most brilliant glowing mixes you have ever seen. Try mixing Opera Pink with our New Gamboge for fiery oranges or with an Indanthrone Blue for stunning violets and glowing purples.
Fugitive Lightfastness, Transparent, Granulating, Non-staining
DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor 15ml Paint Tube, Alizarin Crimson (284600004)
DANIEL SMITH is the Innovative Manufacturer of Beautiful Watercolors for Artists Worldwide, and makes the largest range of watercolors of any manufacturer, more than 240 colors.
240+ color collection includes the exciting PrimaTek watercolors made from minerals(like Amethyst) &other colors (like Moonglow) & Luminescent Watercolors which allow artists to capture the luminescent colors that regular watercolors cannot capture!
Alizarin Crimson is the oldest synthetic deep red-crimson pigment.It is a lake pigment which when applied in strength& kept from the direct sunlight will last for many decades.
DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor 15ml Paint Tube, Aussie Red Gold, 0.5 Fl Oz (Pack of 1)
DANIEL SMITH is the Innovative Manufacturer of Beautiful Watercolors for Artists Worldwide, and makes the largest range of watercolors of any manufacturer, more than 240 colors. The 240+ color collection includes the exciting PrimaTek watercolors made from minerals (like Amethyst) plus other unique colors (like Moonglow) not available elsewhere, and Luminescent Watercolors which allow artists to capture the luminescent colors that exist in nature that regular watercolors cannot capture!
DANIEL SMITH Aussie Red Gold is the rich, golden color of ochre cliffs set aflame at sunset. This brilliant, reddish gold will add glowing light to Autumn leaves, late summer flowers and landscapes. Australian Red Gold is transparent, non-granulating, low staining and performs wonderfully, you will love it on your palette!
Excellent Lightfastness, Transparent, Non-granulating, Low staining
DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor 15ml Paint Tube, Cobalt Blue (284600025)
DANIEL SMITH is the Innovative Manufacturer of Beautiful Watercolors for Artists Worldwide, and makes the largest range of watercolors of any manufacturer, more than 240 colors. The 240+ color collection includes the exciting PrimaTek watercolors made from minerals (like Amethyst) plus other unique colors (like Moonglow) not available elsewhere, and Luminescent Watercolors which allow artists to capture the luminescent colors that exist in nature that regular watercolors cannot capture!
This neutral, non-staining primary blue will subtly modify most pigments. Considered a "mixing pigment", its' semi-transparent nature can cast a giant reticulating shadow. An inorganic pigment, it is considered non-staining (or low-tinting) and ideal for glazing methods. Its ability to create soft edges, to lift and to mix readily makes Cobalt Blue a valuable contribution to watercolor palettes.
Excellent Lightfastness, Semi-transparent, Granulating, Low staining
DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor 15ml Paint Tube, Indian Yellow (284600045)
DANIEL SMITH is the Innovative Manufacturer of Beautiful Watercolors for Artists Worldwide, and makes the largest range of watercolors of any manufacturer, more than 240 colors. The 240+ color collection includes the exciting PrimaTek watercolors made from minerals (like Amethyst) plus other unique colors (like Moonglow) not available elsewhere, and Luminescent Watercolors which allow artists to capture the luminescent colors that exist in nature that regular watercolors cannot capture!
Don't let the old line "made from the urine of cows fed an exclusive diet of mango leaves" deter you from adding Indian Yellow to your palette; DANIEL SMITH's vat pigmented Indian Yellow is a new formula. This medium to high tinting yellow lends a rusty orange edge to undisturbed puddles, a curious property when painting ripe fruit and vegetation. Autumn leaves and floral close-ups make great study subjects as you explore this pure chroma, ever so slightly granular yellow. Indian Yellow wets well and flows evenly.
Excellent Lightfastness, Transparent, Non-granulating, Low staining
DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor 15ml Paint Tube, Lamp Black (284600003)
DANIEL SMITH is the Innovative Manufacturer of Beautiful Watercolors for Artists Worldwide, and makes the largest range of watercolors of any manufacturer, more than 240 colors. The 240+ color collection includes the exciting PrimaTek watercolors made from minerals (like Amethyst) plus other unique colors (like Moonglow) not available elsewhere, and Luminescent Watercolors which allow artists to capture the luminescent colors that exist in nature that regular watercolors cannot capture!
Opaque and cool. This is the most intense black available. It is a sooty by-product of burned mineral oil and tar. Lamp Black mixed with Burnt Sienna can add a trace of warmth to a passage. Think classic black velvet. Use to darken transparent pigments.
Excellent Lightfastness, Opaque, Non-granulating, Staining
DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor 15ml Paint Tube, Lunar Blue (284600183)
DANIEL SMITH is the Innovative Manufacturer of Beautiful Watercolors for Artists Worldwide, and makes the largest range of watercolors of any manufacturer, more than 240 colors. The 240+ color collection includes the exciting PrimaTek watercolors made from minerals (like Amethyst) plus other unique colors (like Moonglow) not available elsewhere, and Luminescent Watercolors which allow artists to capture the luminescent colors that exist in nature that regular watercolors cannot capture!
The fabric of the night sky glides off the brush in this heavenly shade. Granulating lunar black floats above a phthalo undertone, perfect for capturing a moonlit sky. Inky as midnight, or diffused as the moon on water, semi-transparent Lunar Blue lifts beautifully, leaving behind a mere shadow of itself. This moody watercolor is sure to delight.
Excellent Lightfastness, Semi-transparent, Granulating, Low staining
DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor 15ml Paint Tube, Phthalo Blue Green Shade (284600077)
DANIEL SMITH is the Innovative Manufacturer of Beautiful Watercolors for Artists Worldwide, and makes the largest range of watercolors of any manufacturer, more than 240 colors. The 240+ color collection includes the exciting PrimaTek watercolors made from minerals (like Amethyst) plus other unique colors (like Moonglow) not available elsewhere, and Luminescent Watercolors which allow artists to capture the luminescent colors that exist in nature that
For cool, clean staining shadows and reflected light on windows, super staining, super transparent Phthalo Blue is a popular pure chroma organic pigment. Mix with Hansa Yellow for luminous greens.
Excellent Lightfastness, Transparent, Non-granulating, Staining